The Coalition for Post Tubal Ligation Women (CPTwomen)
Who we are:
We are your sister, wife, mother, daughter, grandmother, friend, neighbor, co-worker, boss, patient,...
We are ordinary women who have had a tubal ligation or knows someone who did and has suffered untold side effects. We are networking and organizing to achieve certain goals.
United we stand!
Motto: “The better informed we are, the healthier we'll be!”
The CPTwomen is NOT anti-tubal. We believe that tubal ligations should be made a choice to women as a form of birth control but with FULL consent. What we are is anti-doctors/ACOG/the medical community withholding information from women in order to force consent. Information is withheld to persuade women to make the decision that the doctor wants them to make. Withholding information such as this from women at the time of consent is an intentional fraud. Doctors and organizations who state there are no side effects to tubal ligation are committing intentional fraud and misrepresentation.
CPTWomen Mission Statement: To educate, inform and provide accurate information to women considering permanent sterilization or tubal ligation for the purpose of birth control. To educate, inform, assist, and create a supportive network for post sterilized women in their quest for answers and proper follow-up care. To bring forth the needed change which would require women to be fully and properly informed prior to female sterilization and tubal ligation surgery.
Education Programs:
Education comes in many forms and education is key. The web site, outreach programs, and public lectures are just a few ways we are educating women about post tubal syndrome (PTS) and the issues at hand.
We are committed to and working toward "change". This involves creating and putting in place laws that will protect a woman’s basic human rights of "being informed". Repeatedly we hear women stating, "I wish I had know this information before my TL". This issue of women not being informed is very serious. Only when laws are created that protect women will we begin to see "change" and begin to resolve some of these issues.
We are working within and networking with other organizations in order to accomplish these goals. In order to meet our goals we need two things, volunteers and money. Information about different projects we are working on and how you can volunteer are discussed at the Members private bulletin board, in e-mails/newsletters, and posted at the CPTwomens Members Site. Money is needed to maintain the upkeep of this site and needed in order to continue these educational programs and projects that we are organizing and undertaking. We ask that all women join us and take a stand on this issue in order to create the needed change which will protect and benefit all women and our daughters that follow.
A Call for Help:
With proper laws in place doctors will be required to inform women of Post Tubal Syndrome. While we were not informed, working together we can break this cycle of abuse. This is a call for help.
To get the "Informed Consent for Tubal Ligation Bill" passed we desperately need your help.
Please advocate and join the CPTwomen if you have found this site and information provided helpful or educational, if it made you pause and contemplate, or if you would like to see a tubal ligation informed consent law put in place.